Thursday, December 15, 2011

Re-visiting Daisy Yellow

It's been awhile since I've posted. It's been busy in my life and I have been taking pictures of the projects I've been doing with the kiddos but haven't had time to sit down and blog or write instructions/tutorials. Hope to do that soon...!

I wanted to share a great site for art journaling and creative stuff in general. I've been there before and just came across Daisy Yellow again (there's a button in the sidebar that you can click to go there). If you want to get inspired with tons of prompts and ideas to work your creativity, go see the creative experiments.

Here are a few of my favorites from just one of her creative experiments challenge lists:
  • Do something creative at a library, book store, cafe or restaurant (i.e. knit, draw, write)♥
  • Make or update an inspiration board for your home/ studio
  • Gesso a piece of art and start over again
Go check out the site! She has a whole section on art journaling!

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