penmanship club

bringing back the endangered art of cursive and penmanship one kid (or adult) at a time. I just found out that there are 42 states in the u.s. that no longer require cursive learning. That is crazy. And sad.

our club gets together to practice our handwriting and we learn how to 'write cool'. I will show you how to make your letters pretty and we'll learn new alphabets (lettering styles) so your notes and letters will be the envy of all who lay eyes on them.

There are some fun surprises in store for all my 'penmen' friends so join us! I will post practice lesson prompts and samples on the blog under the tag "penmanship" for those of you who want to follow along around the world.

This is completely new for me but I am excited about it and we will see how it goes!

[update 6/24/11]
I just came across a great post from a blog called 365 Letters about the importance of handwriting:
'"handwriting increases brain activity, hones fine motor skills, and can predict a child's academic success..." Additionally, the article states, handwriting instills confidence and improves memory. All good reasons to keep writing those letters!' Click on the link to read the original post which has some good links if you are interested in practicing writing and writing letters.

Health Perks of Handwriting - Article from LA Times about handwriting

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